The Operationally Dynamic Information Network (ODIN) is a full-scope technical solution, intended to fuse AI-enabled analytic methods (e.g., machine learning, natural language processing, and large language models), social science research, intelligence and operational data, and human subject matter expertise into a single, cross-domain, cloud-based platform.

ODIN’s objective is to provide an empirically rigorous, comprehensive, and dynamically responsive understanding of the information environment (IE) in order to best inform plans, operations, and assessments. ODIN entails AWS and/ or Azure GovCloud platforms with an intuitive, HTML user interface in an IL5 (CUI) and, soon, IL6 (SIPR) environments; a combination of Peraton Labs and unique vendor AI solutions; global field research networks with access to general and elite populations; and reach back and embedded analytic personnel to facilitate responsive support during both steady state and dynamic operations.

Key Features & Components

  • GeoMap: Equips analysts with the ability to query an event in the area of responsibility (AOR) and filter the view to include battles, explosions/remote violence, protests, riots, strategic developments, and violence against civilians.
  • Integrated Global Media Analysis (IGMA): The IGMA tool provides near-real-time data ingestion and analysis including relevant regional media outlets. The advanced search bar leverages large language models (LLM) to summarize text and generate relevant responses to analytic queries reliably from the ODIN environment.
  • Analytics: Analytics functionality includes: insights into user behavior (OS, browser, desktop, mobile, tablet, social media platforms, etc.), technology and connectivity data, socio-economic and financial data, global information and communication technology (ICT) trends, and market share.
  • Zignal: Provides custom-tailored dashboards that deliver continual tracking, at a global level, across all relevant platforms.
  • Bot Analysis: A list of week-over-week statistics of the trends of top accounts, with their associated message volume, within botnet active on X in associated countries.
  • Opinion Research: Primary source opinion research includes opinion research business (ORB) research from countries of study.
  • Events: Global events analysis provides longitudinal data for events spanning conflict to cooperation.
  • Reports: Reporting and knowledge management includes easy access to analytic products that fuse data from across disparate sources to distill actionable insights.
  • Request for Information: Allows users to ask the Peraton team for analytical reports, and include timelines for completion.


ODIN overview