GSA Multiple Awards Schedule MAS

The GSA Schedule, also known as Federal Supply Schedule, and Multiple Award Schedule (MAS), is a long-term government wide contract with commercial companies that provide access to millions of commercial products and services at fair and reasonable prices to the government.

MAS makes buying easy and efficient with the use of modern technology to connect government buyers and industry. Find information technology solutions through the Special Item Numbers (SINs) listed below. State, local, and tribal governments can use the Cooperative Purchasing Program to get these solutions.

SIN 54151S Information Technology Professional Services

IT Professional Services and/or labor categories for database planning and design; systems analysis, integration, and design; programming, conversion and implementation support; network services, data/records management, and testing.

  • IT Systems Development Services
  • IT Systems Analysis Services
  • Automated Information Systems Design and Integration Services
  • Programming Services
  • IT Network Management Services
  • Automated News Services, Data Services or Other Information Services

SIN 54151HEAL Health Information Technology Services

Includes a wide range of Health IT services to include connected health, electronic health records, health information exchanges, health analytics, personal health information management, innovative Health IT solutions, health informatics, emerging Health IT research, and other Health IT services.

  • Cyber Security and Data Backup
  • Data Conversion
  • IT and Telecom – Other IT and Telecommunications

SIN 518210C Cloud Computing and Cloud Related IT Professional Services

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) and emerging cloud computing services. IT professional services that are focused on providing the types of services that support the Government’s adoption of, migration to, or governance/management of cloud computing. Specific cloud related IT professional labor categories and/or fixed-price professional services solutions (e.g., migration services) that support activities associated with assessing cloud solutions, refactoring workloads for cloud solutions, migrating legacy or other systems to cloud solutions, providing management/governance of cloud solutions, DevOps, developing cloud native applications, or other cloud oriented activities are within scope of this SIN.

SIN 54151HACS Highly Adaptive Cybersecurity Services (HACS)

Includes a wide range of fields such as, the seven-step Risk Management Framework services, information assurance, virus detection, network management, situational awareness and incident response, secure web hosting, and backup, security services and,Security Operations Center (SOC) services. HACS vendors are cataloged under the 5 subcategories of High Value Asset Assessments; Risk and Vulnerability Assessments, Cyber Hunt, Incident Response, and Penetration Testing.

SIN 541330ENG Engineering Services

Services include applying physical laws and principles of engineering in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, processes, and systems. Services may involve any of the following activities: provision of advice, concept development, requirements analysis, preparation of feasibility studies, preparation of preliminary and final plans and designs, provision of technical services during the construction or installation phase, inspection and evaluation of engineering projects, and related services.

SIN 541380 Testing Laboratory Services

Includes testing laboratory services and veterinary, natural, and life sciences; testing services and laboratories; and other professional, scientific, and technical consulting services. Testing and services include, but are not limited to: physical, chemical, analytical, or other testing services; quality assurance; fire safety inspections; training; safety audits; relying upon experimental, empirical, quantifiable data, relying on the scientific method, and professional services, tasks, and labor categories in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences, atmospheric science, oceanography, materials sciences, mathematics, geology, astronomy, veterinary medicine, statistics, systems science, etc., (excludes social and behavioral sciences).

SIN 541420 Engineering System Design and Integration Services

Services include creating and developing designs and specifications that optimize the use, value, and appearance of their products. These services can include determination of the materials, construction, mechanisms, shape, color, and surface finishes of the product, taking into consideration human characteristics and needs, safety, market appeal, and efficiency in production, distribution, use, and maintenance.

Associated tasks include, but are not limited to computer-aided design, e.g. CADD, risk reduction strategies and recommendations to mitigate identified risk conditions, fire modeling, performance-based design reviews, high level detailed specification and scope preparation, configuration, management and document control, fabrication, assembly and simulation, modeling, training, consulting, analysis of single or multi spacecraft missions and mission design analysis.

NOTE: Services under this NAICs can not include architect-engineer services as defined in the Brooks Act and FAR Part 2 or construction services as defined in the Federal Acquisition Regulation Part 36 and Part 2.

SIN 541611 Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management

Services provide operating advice and assistance on administrative and management issues. Examples include: strategic and organizational planning, business process improvement, acquisition and grants management support, facilitation, surveys, assessment and improvement of financial management systems, financial reporting and analysis, due diligence in validating an agency’s portfolio of assets and related support services, strategic financial planning, financial policy formulation and development,special cost studies, actuarial services, economic and regulatory analysis, benchmarking and program metrics, and business program and project management.

Inherently Governmental services as identified in FAR 7.503 or by the ordering agency are prohibited. It is the responsibility of the Contracting Officer placing the order to make this determination. Ordering activities must require prospective contractors to identify potential conflicts of interest and address those, prior to task order award.

SIN 541614SVC Supply and Value Chain Management

Includes supply and value chain management, which involves all phases of the planning, acquisition, and management of logistics systems.

SIN 541715 Engineering Research and Development and Strategic Planning

Service include conducting research and experimental development (except nanotechnology and biotechnology research and experimental development) in the physical, engineering and life sciences such as; such as agriculture, electronics, environmental, biology, botany, computers, chemistry, food, fisheries, forests, geology, health, mathematics, medicine, oceanography, pharmacy, physics, veterinary and other allied subjects.

Typical tasks include, but are not limited to, analysis of mission, program goals and objectives, program evaluations, analysis of program effectiveness, requirements analysis, organizational performance assessment, special studies and analysis, training, and consulting; requirements analysis, cost/cost performance trade-off analysis,feasibility analysis, developing and completing fire safety evaluation worksheets as they relate to professional engineering services; operation and maintenance, evaluation of inspection, testing, and maintenance program for fire protection and life safety systems, program/project management, technology transfer/insertion, training and consulting.

SIN 611430 Professional and Management Development Training

611430 services include offering an array of short duration courses and seminars for management and professional development. Training for career development may be provided directly to individuals or through employers’ training programs, and courses may be customized or modified to meet the special needs of customers. Instruction may be provided in diverse settings, such as the establishment’s or agency’s training facilities, and through diverse means, such as correspondence, television, the Internet, or other electronic and distance-learning methods. The training provided may include the use of simulators and simulation methods. Proposed professional services shall be in support of planning, creating, and/or executing testing and test administration, learning management, internship, or development of new courses or subject matter delivered via an instructor-led (i.e. traditional classroom setting or conference/seminar) and/or web-based (i.e. Internet/Intranet, software packages and computer applications) system.

Examples include Training Services that are instructor led Training or Web Based Training of Education Courses, Course Development and Test Administration, Learning Management, and Internships; Environmental Training Services in order to meet Federal mandates and Executive Orders; training of agency personnel to deal with media and media responses; Logistics Training Services related to system operations, automated tools for supply and value chain management, property and inventory management, distribution and transportation management, and maintenance of equipment and facilities; Audit & Financial training services related to course development and instruction required to support audit, review, financial assessment and financial management activities.

Any firm offering Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) and Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C) Training for Acquisition Workforce Personnel will include an identify only DAWIA and FAC-C courses that have been deemed DAU equivalent or approved by the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI).

  • Ancillary supplies and/or services are support supplies and/or services which are not within the scope of any other SIN on this schedule. These supplies and/or services are necessary to complement a contractor’s offerings to provide a solution to a customer requirement. This SIN may be used for orders and blanket purchase agreements that involve work or a project that is solely associated with the supplies and/or services purchased under this schedule.
  • Order-Level Materials (OLM) are supplies and/or services acquired in direct support of an individual task or delivery order placed against a Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) program contract or BPA. OLM pricing is not established at the FSS contract, but at the order level. Since OLMs are identified and acquired at the order or BPA level, the ordering contracting officer (OCO) is responsible for making a fair and reasonable price determination for all OLMs using FAR 15.404 techniques for commercial price determinations. Using this procedure, ancillary supplies and services that are unknown at the time of the Schedule contract award may be included and priced at the order level or BPA level.
  • OLM SIN-Level Requirements/Ordering Instructions: OLMs are:
    • Purchased under the authority of the FSS Program as a special ordering procedure
    • Identified at the order or BPA level (either at the time the order is placed or as the requirement for OLMs develop during the course of performance)
    • Defined and priced at the ordering activity level in accordance with GSAR clause 552.238-115 Special Ordering Procedures for the Acquisition of Order-Level Materials
    • Only authorized for use in direct support of another awarded SIN
    • Only authorized for inclusion at the order level under a Time-and-Materials (T&M) or Labor-Hour (LH) Contract Line Item Number (CLIN)
    • Subject to a Not To Exceed (NTE) ceiling price limited to 33.33% of the total value of the order or BPA

SIN 54151PIV Homeland Security Presidential Directive

12 Product and Service Components PIV products and PIV services to implement the requirements of HSPD-12, FIPS-201 and associated NIST special publications. Implementation components specified under this SIN are:

  • PIV enrollment and registration services
  • PIV systems infrastructure
  • PIV card management and production services
  • PIV card finalization services
  • Logical access control products and services
  • PIV system integration services.
  • Installation services and FIPS 201 compliant PACS (Physical Access Control System) products.
  • NOTE: Subject to Cooperative Purchasing

Contract Holder

Peraton Inc.
Contract: GS-35F-694GA
SINs: 518210C, 54151HACS, 54151HEAL, 54151S, 541330ENG, 541380, 541420, 541611, 541614SVC, 541715, 611430, 54151PIV, ANCILLARY, OLM

Peraton Technology Services, Inc.
Contract: GS-35F-462DA
SINs: 33411, 541370GEO, 54151S, OLM

Peraton Enterprise Solutions LLC
Contract: GS-35F-146DA
SINs: 561422, 518210C, 54151HACS, 54151S, 54151HEAL, 541519PIV, OLM

Peraton Services & Solutions Inc.
Contract: GS-00F-296CA
SINS: 522310, 541219, 541370GIS, 541611, 541614, 541614SVC, 541620, 611430, OLM

Peraton Government Communication Inc.
Contract: 47QTCA18D00FD
SINS: 33411, 517410, 54151S, 611420, 811212, ANCILLARY, OLM

Contract Types Supported

Subject to FAR and agency-level required consideration criteria, limitations, and/or prohibitions, you may use any appropriate contract type within an order against a Schedule contract except cost reimbursement. Appropriate Schedule order contract types include:

  • Firm-Fixed-Price (FFP)
  • Time-and-Materials (T&M)
  • Labor-Hour Hybrids of any of these types, e.g., FFP with T&M Contract Line Item Numbers (CLINs)


General Services Administration (GSA)

Available to

The Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program is open to:

  • Federal agencies (military and civilian),
  • Mixed ownership government corporations as identified in 31 U.S.C. § 9101,
  • District of Columbia,
  • Qualified nonprofit agencies for the blind or other severely handicapped individuals for use in making or providing an approved commodity or service to the government,
  • State and local governments for certain Schedule purchases,
  • Contractors authorized under FAR 51 and many more.

Scope of Contract

Multiple Award Schedule is a convenient, effective option for both buyers and sellers. Buyers enjoy simplified ordering procedures and reduced prices, while sellers can connect with federal buyers quickly and easily. The Schedule program supports compliance but also allow for flexibility to meet your buying needs of:

  • IT Professional Services
  • Earth Observation Solutions
  • HSPD-12 Managed Services & Products
  • Information Security
  • Engineering Services
  • Networking Technologies
  • Electronic Commerce
  • Internet/Intranet
  • Logistics and Asset Tracking
  • Desktop Management
  • Application Services
  • Centralized Systems Services
  • Distributed Systems Services
  • Video Teleconferencing
  • Facilities Management
  • Imaging
  • Commercial Information Technology Equipment, Software and Services
  • Health Information Technology Services
  • Cyber Security and Data Backup
  • Data Conversion
  • IT and Telecom – Other IT and Telecommunications
  • IT Systems Development Services
  • IT Systems Analysis Services
  • Automated Information Systems Design and Integration Services
  • Programming Services
  • IT Network Management Services
  • Automated News Services, Data Services or Other Information Services

Agency Service Fee

Industrial Funding Fee of 0.75% paid to GSA on all TOs; Included in prices

Teaming Partners

Teaming partners can be added at the task order level throughout the term of the contract

*On May 6, 2021, Peraton completed its previously announced acquisition of Perspecta. The legal contracting party that holds this contract, remains unchanged as a result of the transaction.

Program Ceiling


Contract Type

Indefinite Delivery / Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS)


All Federal, State and Local Agencies



Period of Performance

Ordering period includes a five-year base with three five-year option periods; task orders awarded within the ordering period can extend up to five years past the expiration



Michelle Li
Sr. Director, Contract Administration
(301) 256-0388


Kera Pitt
Contracts Manager
(571) 521-7729