New and improved cybersecurity capabilities are emerging at a rapid pace to counter new and evolving cyber threats. To ensure that resources are focused on the most promising approaches, there is a need for efficient and accurate evaluation and validation of cyber security tools in a realistic, high-fidelity cyber environment where isolated and contained environments enable operational planning and what-if scenario experimentation.

CyberVan Solution

Cyber Virtual Ad-hoc Networking (CyberVAN) provides the highest possible fidelity representation of a network—next to actually deploying the real network—by representing the network in a discrete event network simulator and enabling hosts, represented by virtual machines (VM), to communicate over this simulated network.

Creating a representative cyber environment as an alternative to deploying an exact replica of a known network takes advantage of virtualization capabilities to deploy a virtual cyber environment using commodity hardware or hardware supplied by a cloud service provider. A critical benefit of this approach is that any required analysis can be performed prior to procuring potentially expensive equipment and spending valuable time configuring and deploying it.


High-Fidelity Network Representation

CyberVAN’s innovative transparent forwarding technology enables IP traffic generated by services running on VMs to be sent via a simulated network segment to its destination VM. To accommodate large or complex scenarios, CyberVAN incorporates our “TimeSync” technology to synchronize the rate of time advancement between the simulator and the VMs. This enables experiments to run slower than real time while maintaining the accuracy of test results.


Scenario Design & Management

CyberVAN provides sophisticated capabilities for managing the design, deployment, and archiving of cyber scenarios. Users access CyberVAN via a web portal and use a scenario design graphical user interface (GUI) to design their network. CyberVAN automatically allocates the required hardware resources for the scenario.


Cyber Effects Library & Realistic Benign Traffic Generation

CyberVAN provides a substantial, growing library of cyber effects including a configurable botnet, tools for assessing vulnerabilities via scanning, and an ability to generate vulnerable scenarios and executable attack blueprints from high-level user specification with attacker TTPs based on the MITRE ATT&CK framework. CyberVAN provides a capability for simulating user activity that drives real applications on end hosts, which then generates realistic network traffic.


Rich Simulated Networking Model Library

CyberVAN offers a comprehensive set of commercial and military models within a single testbed.


Data Collection

CyberVAN offers a number of data collection capabilities, including network packet captures and flow records, host log files and system call interception, and a user activity tracker tool to collect human-computer interaction such as window, mouse and keystroke events, and shell commands.

CyberVAN: A Digital Twin for Enhanced Cyber Readiness

A high-fidelity cyber environment that provides an accurate evaluation and validation of cyber tools before deployment.

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